Unpacking the privilege knapsack

This project was a part of Marginalia, a studio course that investigated actual and figurative margins. We continually asked ourselves, to what extent does design facilitate, hinder, assuage, precipitate, and/or perpetuate marginality?

Part 1: topic exploration

We explored four main topics: margin metaphor, marginalia, marginalization, and technological edges.  


Technological Edges

Margin Metaphor

Part 2: design query

From this initial research, I narrowed the scope to a form a new design query focused on exposing privileges.

Part 3: ministabs

I stretched and molded this space further through a series of mini stabs / brainstorms. I explored how to “confront” individuals with their privileges, rewriting narratives, and gamifying privilege and identity.


Part 4: oprah

For this exploration, we were constrained to preview our findings in video format. I put together a series of open-ended questions and interviewed those around me. Since I knew these individuals, I assumed I would know their answers. I found myself surprised by some answers and also how much the answers varied.

What does “privilege” mean to you?

Do you consider yourself privileged? How so?

Can privileges be earned?

Can you think of a time when you really felt your “privilege?”

Can you think of a time when you felt disadvantaged?

Do you see a connection between expectations and privilege?

Do you ever feel compelled to act?

Do you know where to start?

Part 5: Extension

Just when I thought I couldn’t push this project any further, I pushed it farther. I focused on decontextualizing the content and then recontextualizing in an attempt to reveal new perspectives or new realities. I created a typographic piece, I See You and I Hear You. You can view the full piece here.

transcribing the interviews

transcribing the interviews

coding the transcriptions

coding the transcriptions
